Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome to a..well...snowy Monday in April. It's not that we don't ever expect spring snowsfalls...but we just don't expect this many! It does not look like it's going to last with the warm temps though, so chin up!

Tomorrow is our First Anniversary! AND!!! You can celebrate with us, or, for us..we're giving out $25 Gift Certificates to Kelsey's Restaurant! Listen and we'll tell you when it's time to call! You can also send us an email, we'd LOVE to hear from you!

Enjoy the day despite the weather!


Did you wake up this morning and wonder what $1 trillion dollars cash would look like? Well…if denominated in $100 bills……$1 trillion would be enough to fill 4.5 Olympic-sized swimming pools!!! Now – we don’t have $1 bills anymore…but…if you did…you’d have enough to stretch almost 3 times around the Earth’s equator!!

The next time you go to work in a bad mood, don't worry. It could be a sign you're on the way to solving a problem. Recent research shows it could be the grumpy workers who are actually a company's most creative problem- solvers.

What is going on in the world? A 28-year-old man was drinking on a Continental Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu -- and apparently he was drinking too much. He'll now get to spend three weeks in jail…..for urinating on a 66-year-old woman who was on the flight! She has since filed a lawsuit….saying that not only was her entire vacation ruined, but she continues to suffer emotionally from the incident.

You ever been to Yankee stadium? Saturday would have marked the 86th anniversary of the old Yankee Stadium. The New York Yankees do have a new field to play in…..their new stadium cost $1.9 billion

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