Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter Monday!

We had a special visitor this morning...Lena was her name. She is six years old and is a HUGE fan of our show! It was a pleasure to give her a tour of the station. We also had her do a little recording for the show...we'll be playing that between 7:15 and 8:15.


An elderly couple had been shopping at a grocery store, andthe wife decided to steal a can of peaches. The inevitable happened and she was caught. Upon her court date, the judgeasked her what she had stolen. “Your Honor, I stole a can of peaches.” The judge replied, “How many peaches were in the can?” She said, “Six.” The judge then said, “I will sentence you to six days injail.” Her husband stood up behind her and replied, “Your Honor,she also stole a can of peas.”


It seems that breaking wind is a bookable offence in British soccer. A referee ordered a penalty kick to be retaken in a Sunday league football game when an opposition player broke wind as the ball was kicked. The Chorlton Villa player got a yellow card warning as the noise was classified as ‘unsporting behavior’. (Apparently silent-but-deadlies are still legal.)


Have you seen a UFO? Apparentley, it’s being reported that the most UFO sightings in Canada happened in Ontario and B.C. The Winnipeg based UFO-logy Research Institute claims there are over 700 UFO sightings in Canada every year!!!

Are you addicted to caffeine? Up to 90% of North Americans consume caffeine products everyday. AND…about half will experience withdrawl syndrome if they don’t have their caffeine fix.

Guys…if you want to impress a lady….get a cat!!! Single men who love cats are more likely to get a date. 90% of single women who were surveyed said men who like cats are: nicer, more caring and more sensitive.

AND – it was a tough year for Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Forbes Magazine revealed their Top 50 Richest People in the World. Despite losing $18 billion in 2008…he did regain the top spot on the list. Bill’s fortune is estimated at $40 billion. Plus…here’s something interesting: last year there were exactly 1, 125 billionaires. Today…there are 793…representing a total loss of $1.4 trillion

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