Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A new insurance survey reveals that almost 20% of people have gotten into a car accident because they were picking their nose. More men than women pick, by the way!!

This story coming out of Toronto this morning: Police are looking for new leads after a 900 pound safe, holding more than $5,000 was stolen last week from a Habitat for Humanity resale building. Police say there is a possibility the safe has been abandoned somewhere in the city, say ing quote: "(The thieves) are going to have work pretty hard to get into it, so they might get frustrated and just discard it"

Real life Pirates have been making the news over the past few weeks – big time: Pirates have attacked 78 ships this year…hijacking 19 of them, and about 17 ships with more than 300 crew members still remain in pirates hands.

Researchers say that University students who use Facebook, spend less time studying and have lower averages compared to those who avoid the popular social networking site. What's more, researchers found those on Facebook spent one to five hours a week studying…compared to non-users who devoted 11 to 15 hours weekly to hitting the books.

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