Thursday, March 12, 2009

Water Cooler Conversations....

Burger King has opened it's first "Whopper Bar" at Universal City Walk in Florida. Basically….they say to think of it like a Subway, except having a custom burger assembled in front of you, with 22 options to choose from.

2-out-of-3 people have lied about reading a book at least once in order to impress someone, according to a new survey. And here are the top 3 titles that people say they've 'read':3. “Ulysses”, James Joyce (25%).2. “War & Peace”, Leo Tolstoy (31%).1. “1984”, George Orwell (42%).

Twitter is the latest, most addictive trend in social networking. Essentially it’s a mini-blog that allows you to post what you’re doing in 140 characters or less. Many musicians have embraced Twitter as a way to communicate with their fans and/or rant about their favorite causes.

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