Friday, March 13, 2009

Wanted to share this latest survey with should try it!!!!

The survey in the United Kingdom looked at long term marriages and has come up with the perfect recipe for a long and happy marriage! Their findings suggest a couple needs to.....

Kiss four times a day
Cuddle three times a day
Hold two romantic dinners a month
Share two hobbies
Have Fancy Time three times a week


Let’s talk about taking a shower!!! A recent study suggests we fall into 2 distinct types when it comes to showering ... those who soap up a section of their body at a time and then rinse, and those who lather up their entire body before rinsing off. Medical experts say the first method is better, because it lessens the drying effects of soap

Be careful when you eat those pancakes. A Russian man has died after winning a pancake-eating contest by downing 43 whipped cream-and-banana-stuffed pancakes before choking on a piece of pancake lodged in his throat. A witness says it appeared he really enjoyed the pancakes but then he started foaming at the mouth and ‘went down like a sack of stones’.

Listen to the irony in this: 16 people have been arrested for fighting at a concert in Silver Spring, Maryland the other night. It was a benefit for an advocacy group called ... “Stop the Violence

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