Friday, March 25, 2011

I spent some time with the Harbour Youth Services Girls Club at Kingsway Park School yesterday...this club is called the "Kids Come First" club. I had such a great time with them!!
I read “The Monster Who Ate Darkness” to them...their theme right now is "Monsters"
They asked all kinds of questions about my job....then they wanted autographs!!!
This all started with a letter I received a few weeks ago from the girls...the letter was hand the girls, who are in grades 1 to 4...a colourful letter it was...and it had all kinds of cutouts of the things I love...a camera, baseball, a picture of a family, headphones, books and of course...popcorn..these girls did their research!! The letter was asking if I could help out with an event coming up....the 2011 Amazing Raising Cash For Kids Race! This will be held May 28th....and it is in support of the Harbour youth Services' after school programs...where kids have aceess to the resources and support they need to dream big!!
These programs are great for the girls club who I visited yesterday...and for the boys club...and the programs are at more than one if you wanted to help out..go to and sign up for this fun event!!!

Here is the link to the information page:

An icon passed away this week....Elizabeth Taylor passed away. She was laid to rest in a simple ceremony yesterday. There was no procession to the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles, just limousines carrying family members. The service started after a 15 minute delay. Her publicist says that's because the screen legend wanted to be
late to her own funeral. You have to appreciate the humour!

Have a Great Weekend!!!

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