Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday is is one of my favorite days!! Mainly because it is followed by Friday!!!

In the news this morning there was as story about a male and a female caught in a home at about 4 this morning. They were each 31 years old. The male did get away..but police caught up to him not too far from the house. Yesterday we told you about a women who was pushed as she was getting into her vehicle in the McIntyre 4:30 IN THE AFTERNOON!! A bold daylight robbery. This all makes me so upset. With the store robberies and the increasing credit union makes me wonder where it is safe to go. I know it sounds negative...but I am thinking what others are also thinking.

Please keep an eye on what's going on around you...we need to watch out for our fellow Thunder Bay residents and get help when it is needed.

We talked about this yesterday morning...we didn't all start out with great jobs and spouses who helped boost our income. We didn't always have the things we have now.

I myself figured out my plan to get where I wanted to go way back when...and started on my path.
I just wish these people who would rather go for the quick money would just get a job. They might appreciate what they have and realize that just because it's in front of doesn't mean you can just take it.

That's just what I think.

Have a great Thursday!!!!


The average couple will argue with each other a whopping 312 times a year – mostly over cleanliness. It was also found couples are most likely to have an argument after dinner on a Thursday evening with everything kicking off at just before 8 p.m. The average fight also lasts just 10 minutes.
Researchers discovered stubble in the sink, dirty marks in the toilet and taking too long to get ready are regular triggers for arguments. Other reasons for relationship fights include flicking through TV channels and not replacing an empty toilet roll.

1. Stubble in the sink
2. Dirty marks in the toilet
3. Flicking TV channels
4. Not replacing the toilet roll
5. Leaving the seat up
6. Leaving lights on
7. Leaving dirty cups around the house
8. Leaving wet towels on the floor/bed
9. Hoarding stuff
10. Not flushing the toilet

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