Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hi all!! I have just recently returned from a Weekend of Chaos in trying to get it all written down to share..will post that for you soon! Meantime, here is a list of signs that you have had too much holiday cheer!!! Hopefully, none of us will resemble any of these signs this Holiday Season!!!


• You have to hold on to the floor to keep from sliding off.
• You hear a duck quacking ... and it's you.
• Someone uses your tongue for a coaster.
• You refill your glass ... from the fish bowl.
• You complain about the small bathroom ... after emerging from the closet.
• You see your underwear hanging from the chandelier.
• You tell everyone you have to go home ... and the party's at your place.
• You ask for another ice cube ... and put it in your pocket.
• You realize you're the only one under the coffee table.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hi all!!

I saved our list of "Rules for Women" so I could share with you here. I just want to remind, that it is all in enjoy the day and hopefully you will enjoy this list as well!!!


Never do housework. No man ever made love to a woman because the house was spotless.

What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door.

If they put a man on the moon, they should be able to put the mall there.

Go for younger men. You might as well. They never mature anyway.

Women don't make fools of men. Most of them are the do-it-yourself types.

The best way to get a man to do something is to suggest they are too old for it.

If he asks what sort of books you're interested in, tell him checkbooks.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's a cold, cold day!!! But, as we talked about the weather on the air this morning...we do benefit from the beauty of our surroundings!! We enjoy all of the seasons and the beauty they offer..we can hike, camp...and do so much more in our beautiful surroundings. Maybe we could try to keep that in mind as we wander out into the cold, with many layers of clothing, heavy mitts and hat...and salt. lol.

Here is one of the topics of conversation from the show this morning.......

Yes, some bad habits—in moderation--may actually be good for you. Ladies' Home Journal reports that some bad habits can have surprisingly good on!!

1. Television
The good: When you watch shows that exercise your mind, it can actually make you smarter. Some shows can give you a cognitive workout, while others will encourage you to reflect on your marriage and family life. Still others will almost always teach you something new.
The bad: If you turn into a couch potato and watch TV excessively while your family does other things, it's a problem. Sitting in front of the TV for too long can drain your energy.

2. Facebook
The good: Facebook can help you deepen relationships and connect with people from your past with whom you long ago lost touch. It can be a valuable resource for information, too. Posting a message that you need the name of a good plumber or tips for planting a vegetable garden can result in information you would not have otherwise received.
The bad: When you spend so much time on Facebook that you neglect your work, family or household chores, you may need to restrict your use by building it into your schedule.

3. Gossiping
The good: When we gossip about other people, it can make us less critical of our own lives. A celebrity's third trip to rehab or the neighbor's failed marriage can make you realize you're doing just fine. Gossip, which is human nature, also relieves stress and can create a culture of closeness.
The bad: If you purposely spread vicious stories about someone else that could be potentially damaging, it's time to stop. Too much gossiping can make you seem insecure or egocentric.

4. Coffee
The good: Regular coffee consumption is actually good for you! Numerous studies have shown multiple health benefits, including a lower risk for stroke, dementia, Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, liver cancer and gallstones.
The bad: If you indulge in fancy, high-calorie java drinks, they can make you fat since they're not only packed with caffeine, but also calories. And pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee at all because it can increase the risk of miscarriage.

5. Being Messy
The good: So what if your desk is a pile of papers and the junk drawer is so crammed with stuff it won't open? Moderately disorganized people also tend to be more creative and efficient than those who are obsessively neat.
The bad: When the boss looks at you like your desk is a fire hazard or you can't find your favorite jeans in your closet, it's time to clean up. Being messy is fine--to a point. Complete disorder is a problem. Schedule weekly tidy-up sessions to keep things under control.

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We have to thank Cheri for sending in this list of things that help remind you that you may be growing was funny...but what was the message she was sending us? lol!!! Read on...


5. You can remember when cellphones were actually used to make phone calls.
4. You enjoy hearing about other people’s operations.
3. That gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals.
2. You can go bowling without drinking.
1. You’ve quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.

Here are a couple of emails we received from people who heard the Top 5 List....

Just recently we visited our grandchildren in Red Deer Alberta. We hadn’t seen them for over a year and the youngest who is 4 took an immediate liking to Grampa Rod, my husband, who is 56. She sat on his lap reading a book when she suddenly looked up at him and said “Grampa, are you old”. Taken by surprise, he said “no”. She said “Well what happened to your face”. It was priceless

I was listening to your show this morning and it reminded me of when my daughter was around 4 years old and started JK and asked my father if he was a pioneer. He was only 51 at the time.

Love it!! Thanks for listening, and joining in on the conversation!!!
Have a great day!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

It was a scary morning as we broadcast our Halloween show by candlelight!!!! Spooky!!!


Ford Street near Frederica

Frederica near James Street

291 E. Francis

#228 Highway 130 in Rosslyn - dinousaurs, zombies, witches...Everything!!


When it appears that you have killed the monster, never check to see if it's really dead.

Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke.

Do not search the basement, especially if the power has just gone out.

When you have the benefit of numbers, never pair off and go it alone.

If you're searching for something which caused a noise and find out that it's just the cat, leave the room immediately if you value your life.

If appliances start operating by themselves, move out.

If you find a town which looks deserted, it's probably for a reason. Take the hint and stay away.

If you're running from the monster, expect to trip or fall down at least twice, more if you are of the female persuasion. Also note that, despite the fact that you are running and the monster is merely shambling along, it's still moving fast enough to catch up with you.

Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here: Amityville, Elm Street, Transylvania, Nilbog (you're in trouble if you recognize this one), the Bermuda Triangle, or any small town in Maine.

If your car runs out of gas at night, do not go to the nearby deserted-looking house to phone for help.


Monday, October 25, 2010

It's voting day!!
Make sure you get out to your polling station...bring your voters card and your ID!!
You have until 8 tonight to make your vote count. Election coverage on 91.5 ckpr begins at 8pm.

It's also the day that Global National broadcasts live from Marina Park. The public is invited to go and watch, so feel free to check it out!! We had Dawna Friesen on the air with us this morning, she was great! So very down to earth. We also asked her if she wanted to read the news so she did the 7:30 cast, with sports! We had a lot of fun with her this morning.

Talk to you Tuesday Morning!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Who doesn't feel good about a Friday? I guess people who work the weekend...anyways!! Happy Friday!!

Are you ready for Hallowe'en? We've got most of our decorations out...just have to put the coffin out on the's got a skull, The Punisher design on the front, with eyes cutout that have red lights in them! Scary!!!

Joe is putting together Brandon and Garrett's costurmes...they are going out as Transformers Characters!! Very cool, they have the Bumblebee helmets, Joe is building the rest of their car costumes out of cardboard. So exciting!!

I even have the candy ready to's been hidden in the basement for over a month!!

Monday, Dawna Friesen, Global National's new anchor and executive editor will be with us on the show!! She joins us in the 7am hour...we may even be lucky enough to have her read a newscast for us!! We are excited to have her with us.

One thing you might like to know is that she actually worked her, at Dougall Media early in her career! We are very interested in hearing about her travels and reporting experiences.

Oh, and Monday is our day to vote in our Municipal Elections! Make sure you vote!!!

Talk to you Monday!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I have seen a lot of people on a Facebook There are facebook pages urging people to wear purple tomorrow. The first one I saw is called..."R.I.P. ;; In memory of the recent suicides due to gay abuse, wear purple" is the write up.....

It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes and at their schools. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools. RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. You are loved.

Join this event and invite everyone on your friends list. Don't let their deaths be for nothing. Let it mean something, and let's do something to change this country for once.

This has been a huge issue that seems to be becoming more prevalant today. I sincerely hope that by wearing the colour, the attitude will change.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy day after Thanksgiving!!

I loved our family get together. There is nothing like a house full of the kitchen, in the rec room, on the deck with kids running around and playing on the swings and in the fort.....then finding spots for everyone to sit and eat..we had so much fun!!! I love family time!

Kayla was there with her two little ones...Matthew was in charge of taking pictures and Victoria made pumpkin pie from pumpkins from our very own garden!! She was the gardener this year...and the pies..were amazing!!

My mom was there of course, she's in charge of turkey cooking....and it turned out my brother...who is a cook..ended up making the gravy!! It was soooo good...'course the trouble with that is everyone wants there is none left. I can always pick up a packet of gravy mix for leftovers...

And Joe...was the carver. Yum!!

I need to also mention Elvis our dog...he was a good dog! No jumping up at anyone...he did circle the table a large number of times waiting for something to fall...

So...that was my day...I am quite interested in these Rice Balls that Danny said his sister made. Their mom was well known in the family for it was a great treat to have Carmela make them and surprise them all!! Mmmmm...Rice Balls.......

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ryan and Terry

Kristy and Terry

Matthew and Joe were Terry's drivers that day.....

Yaay!! We met Mantracker!! Unfortunately, he called us "Buttonheads"...but I think that's a term of endearment?

Nicholas stopped in to meet Mantracker!! Turns out...he and his friends play "Mantracker"!!

So...lets go back about a week. I've been trying to get these pics up from Mantracker - Terry Grant was in for an interview! Here they are!! (yes, I need a camera with a flash)

I was sent an email by Laurie telling me they had heard the show was shooting in the area. We contacted the company and within 24 I was talking to Mantracker himself...on my cell! I had successfully hunted him down!!

He was such a great interview and really shed some light on how the show is done. You really need to check out the show. It will have you on the edge of your seat!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Monday, but the long weekend is coming!!! Well, for most of us....
It will be a well deserved extra sleep in day!!!

These colds are hanging on...but we've got the vitamin c in the house..chewables so everyone can take them. Except Brandon...I gave him his when he and his brother Garrett were over...he gave it back and said..."I don't like these grandma...(he then looked at me with one eye closed...kinda like a wink)...they make me do this".
Too funny!

I am looking forward to my afternoon...the weather is so beautiful..I want to head out for a walk. I love the colours, the leaves crunching under my feet and the smell in the air on a warm fall day. Just gotta get through a meeting and a workout at the Complex first...

Have a great day!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I knew it was going to happen. Last week our younges grandchild Garrett came over and he had such a wicked cold..runny nose and a deep cold voice. I knew it would soon spread through our house...that's why I was not surprised when Friday after throat started to hurt..and my nose was burning.

Of course..I had a baseball banquet to go to. I really wanted to get out and have a good time but the raw, raging sore throat would not allow it. Home by 10. Saturday, I had signed up for an hour at Boot Camp for Hope...10-11am. There I was, Superman position (on your stomach looking down with your arms and legs off the floor) and my nose starts to run. Thank goodness I had the foresight to bring kleenex with me. That was a tough workout.

Then it was home to shower then off to our company's annual golf fundraiser for the George Jeffrey Children's Treatment Centre...still sick. All day I felt it coming...and it worsened with each hour, but I really wanted to have fun darnit!!!!

----- The line to the left...that's how close I was to winning the longest drive!!! My teammate Rhonda won it by a hair!! At least someone on our team won something! We did have fun, despite the cold attacking me. Then it was off to a birthday party that I really could not, not go to!! Jonathan Wilson's 40th!! we four went after golf to celebrate with Jon!

Home at 11:30...and ready for bed. And stayed there until 6pm Sunday. I got out of bed to shower and put my pj's on. And back to bed.

So far this week..I seem to be fighting it off..with others telling me they suffered through colds for 3 weeks..another friend said they had a nasty cold for 7 weeks!!
Hope mine goes away and stays away!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Whoops! How did that much time slip by since my last blog?

So since I last blogged....we entered the world of the pvr...we had hubby Joe is a huge San Diego Chargers Fan...and the only way to guarantee him seeing all of their games is to pick up the Shaw Cable Sunday Ticket...which meant an upgrade to a pvr unit. I'm okay with this...cause I won't miss any Y&R episodes!! This is actually going to be great..shows I can't watch because they are on too know, after 8:30....

Had a great weekend of shopping...picked up our Halloween Candy, a costume for Elvis our Jack Russell's a devil costume..complete with ears!!
I also found the Slinky Dog from Toy Story!!! So excited about this, Brandon and Garrett are going to love them!! I know I do already! Great start for's the third Christmas gift I have found for them..and I have not bought any for anyone else...ahh it's all about the kids!!!

Have a great day!!!


‘Invention of the week’. It’s called the ‘Park Spark’ – and it was just unveiled in a Cambridge, Massachusetts dog park. The methane digester converts dog poop into energy, and that energy is now powering a gas-burning lamp in the park. Because of this, people can now see where their dogs poop at night, and continuously feed the machine, for a sort of eternal flame

Are you afraid of snakes? Did you know that snakebites cause at least 100,000 deaths and up to 400,000 amputations worldwide each year.

90% of Hong Kong’s population uses the public transport system everyday! In Hong Kong…car dependancy is literally a thing of the past!

Forget the brides – there’s a website that now focuses on men getting in shape for their big wedding day! It’s called fat boy

Monday, August 9, 2010

We had a guest dog over the weekend. Nanook. It was a trial for his owners, my brother in law and his wife and for us as see if he would be okay if left with us. They leave town for a month in the winter so they thought leaving him with a family member would be easiest.

It was great! He was a bit pouty, and this look on a Samoyed Husky is kind of a funny one....after the first night though, he was warming up to his temporary home. Nanook and our dog, the Jack Russell Terrior also took some time to get used to each other..with it being our dog Elvis' house..he was not pleased at first with having to share. So..he tried to dominate the much larger dog, which did not work, so what happened was they ended up being playmates. It was quite cute to see them chasing each other in the back yard. I was happy to see they were getting along.

Until dinner time. You just can't leave an easy going slow eater like Nanook with the hyper, eat like a shark Elvis. We learned they had to be split up.

The second night, I opened the door to see what was going on with them, hadn't heard anything for a while. There they were. Two white dogs. Gone grey. What a sight!
They had been digging! Elvis never digs, Nanook apparantly sometimes I guess the two of them together equals one big digger. I was worried about what my brother in law and his wife would say when they was what was a fluffy white Samoyed Husky when they dropped him off..turned into a flat furred, grey wolf looking creature. Neither dog was allowed upstairs that night. It turns out Nanook gets himself into this state quite often. Whew. I felt like a bad dogsitter.

I guess we'll see what happens when the snow falls and Nanook is our guest. At least he'll have a lot of snow to get to before the hopefully frozen dirt.

Have a great day!!


At the International University of Monaco, a master’s degree in ‘Luxury Retail Management’ is being launched this Fall. Students will learn about private jets, yachts, and upmarket brands such as Gucci. – “Globe & Mail”

The worst time for “road rage” is Monday afternoon and is most prevalent among males 26 to 35 and the web site has some interesting statistics…. Like the fact that 40% of people think road rage is a bad habit

New research by dog psychologists now suggest that a dog has the intelligence of a two year old…..which makes sense since a lot of two year olds… also have you cleaning you cleaning up their poo for them

On this date in 1173 construction on the Tower of Pisa started and it took over two centuries to complete…..and still in the end it wasn’t straight… how bad were those builders??

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What a great week off!

We took the family, including Kayla and her two boys to Quebec for 5 days. What an adventure!

It started out Sunday, July 25th at our house...we were getting ready to leave, the boys were so excited!! Brandon..the 3 year old was getting his shoes together and had an important question..."is the plane picking us up at the front door, or the back door?" Hilarious!!

Later, on the plane, the boys were seated and ready to go...more hilarity when the boys started their countdown to the blastoff! Then, when were up in the air, still climbing..Garrett, the two year old hollered out.."I'm in space!"...gotta love kids!

We arrived at Hotel St. Paul...which was in the lower part of Old Quebec City near the waterfront...we had booked a simple room, large with two murphy beds and cots...well, they upgraded us. Something was wrong with the room..something about the plumbing. They sent us up the hill to another place, a bed and breakfast! we went...7 travellers..all our belongings dragging behind...(cause we did not realize we would have to climb that big of a hill!) and found la Montagne....this place was great!!! It's about 300 years old! After the three flights of stairs to get up to the place...we found it to be so beautiful...some stone room with pull out couches...a loft bedrrom and a deck outside. Here's the thing about la is right smack dab in between the Old Port of Quebec and the Frontenac Castle. It was a bed and breakfast...located at the top of the famous Break Neck stairs....

The deck was overlooking the an incredible panorama on the St-Lawrence River and looking up...the Chateau Frontenac.

We did a lot of sightseeing...One stop was The Citadel for the changing of the you know what their uniforms look with the bear fur the kids...these look like life sized...Christmas Decorations! Garret...he's two...saw them and the first thing out of his mouth..."Nutcracker"!! We did not expect this...we watched them march on...the band followed..and Garrett wanted to follow too! After the Changing of the Guard, we toured the Citadel. Garrett fell asleep during the tour...he didn't wake up when one of the cannons was fired off...but he did wake up so he could have his picture taken with the nutcracker at the gate!

We had so many adventures and so many laughs!! On the Plains of Abraham where we had a picnic, the many green spaces we found for the boys to let out some energy..the shops, the Ghost Tour, the restaurants...just walking together was so much fun!


Classic college comedy "Animal House" opened 32 years ago this week (1978). At the time, actor Donald Sutherland refused to accept 15% of the box office gross for his 2days' work on the film, demanding $50,000 instead. The decision is estimated to have cost him $20 million.

Only 7 out of every 1,000 people will live to be 100 years old!

Family Circle magazine survey 2,500 adults – and asked them "should a couple stay together for the children"? 51% of Men say ‘yes’ // 35% of Women said ‘yes’.

The president of Iran picked a fight with a new ENEMY . . . Paul the octopus. That would be the octopus in Germany who predicted World Cup games. No joke! During a recent speech, the President of Iran REPEATEDLY mentioned Paul the Octopus and called him, quote, "an example of methods of propaganda and superstitions of the West.". There's more, quote, "Those who believe in this type of thing cannot be the leaders of the global nations that aspire, like Iran, to human perfection, basing themselves in the love of all sacred values."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who knew I would actually enjoy some country time? Seriously...growing up in the country...while it was beautiful and we did keep busy as an adult, during camping trips...I didn't actually care much that I was in the country.

We were camping at Sibley over the weekend..and I have to say, I cannot remember being so relaxed. It has been a long, long time. The kids loved the chipmunks that would come right up on their knee for a nut...guess they've become very are the deer who will, with some caution eat food right out of your hand. The poor skunk that was seen with the container over it's head...our friend Bruce tried to get it off...but in pulling on the container, he lifted the skunk right off the ground! It didn't even lift it's tail!! But, the skunk got away. Hope he wiggled out of that container.

The kids, ours and the ones all around us had so much fun. You could hear them laughing from many sites away. My son and his friend Chelsea made themselves a tent..they used wood from the site, some duct tape (orange)and Joe's camo sleeping bag to make their tiny shelter. They also decorated an old tree...with pop cans and other shiny things to decorate...and it was Christmas!! Presents on "Christmas Day" were painted rocks, daisy's and pine cones. Such creativity.

I cannot wait to go camping again.

Water Cooler Conversations...

Tuition fees for Canadian universities have tripled in the last 10 years. Experts say…if this keeps up…within 20 years – a basic bachelor of arts degree in Canada will cost over $100,000.

Some garden hoses are now coming out with warnings that it’s unsafe to drink the water from them. The problem – the hoses are made from recycled rubber – so they don’t know where that rubber came from. To be safe - don’t drink from the hose!

A man in Iowa is in jail after punching another guy who refused to give him a hug. Onlookers called police when they saw the 23-year-old suspect punching cars on Sunday night. The suspect, was drunk, he told police that he got angry and punched a car when the man refused his hug. Then he punched the guy for refusing the hug. He was charged with assault and fourth-degree criminal mischief.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We presented Brandon and Garrett with their little Jeep yesterday!! They LOVED it!!! We had Matthew drive it around to the front of the house as the boys sat on the steps with their eyes closed...when they saw it...they screamed and ran towards it. They took turns driving it for over an hour before we parked it in the garage with Joe's Jeep. I got pics of my men with their Jeeps...Brandon and Garrett were so excited. I asked Garrett if he liked his surprise...and he said "yes, but that's Matthew's Jeep"...of course they thought that! Matthew drove it to them!! When I told him "'s Brandon and Garrett's Jeep"...he jumped up and down clapping his hands. Gaaad I love kids.


Interesting musical fact – it was this week back in 1985 (25 years ago), singer Phil Collins admitted to David Letterman that the title of his then #1 hit "Sussudio" means nothing………it’s simply a made-up word!

One million people gathered in Toronto’s downtown for their annual gay pride parade this past Sunday. Listen to this – this annual parade brings in $100 million a year to the economy in Toronto.

Police are warning that during tough times…fraud artists prosper as more and more people will try anything to get out of debt. AND, 10 Canadians a month still fall for the Nigerian Letter Scam –you know – where you’re promised loads of money if you just help a prince in Africa deal with some banking problems.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Are we spoiled right now or what? I am loving this weather...though I am not much of a sun worshipper...I do enjoy the warmth. Yesterday, Joe and I were out looking for a gazebo for our deck so we could enjoy the weather without the sunburn...and we could not find anything that would fit on our deck. Next year we'll have to look, we found ourselves in the toy department looking at the kids Jeeps!!! See...everything happens for a the boys, Brandon and Garret can ride in style! Just like Nono (Joe) and his Jeep. It's a Jeep thing with these boys.


Researchers say computer keyboards can be up to 5 times dirtier than ... toilet seats. That’s because they become easily fouled with food, dirt, and germs just like other frequently touched things like doorknobs and money.

Over the weekend, it was the big UFC pay per vu. This is big business. UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) mixed martial arts TV programming is now broadcast in over 130 countries, reaching 430 million homes worldwide in 20 different languages.

The Ontario Provincial Police have warned motorists that they shouldn’t drive for longer than 8 or 9 hours at a time this summer while on vacation…. driving for 17 hours straight leaves the operator of the vehicle with the same abilities as someone driving impaired

The semi finals at the World Cup are set….. the Netherlands play Uruguay; Germany takes on Spain. PLUS – did you hear this? FIFA (the governing body of soccer), is upset with the President of Nigeria who has banned his country’s soccer team from playing international matches for two years to punish them for their poor performance at the World Cup.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Wow!!! That was quite the weekend!!

Friday, I went out to my best friend Theresa's house in the country...waay out there...turns out...she owns a mountain! They also have a dog named peanut (came with Theresa), chickens that lay blue eggs!! AND!!!Horses!!! I am so happy for her. She has always wanted to live in a home in the country surrounded by farm animals and natural beauty.

Travelling home on the to thinking about all those cones they use during construction season. Where do they come from? The cone truck? Do they have a home? And wouldn't it be hilarious if the company that provided cones to highway construction was called "Madonna's Cones"? Just sayin'.

Saturday...gorgeous day!! We went exploring....I cannot believe I have never been to Silver Harbour! We went out for a ride in the jeep...we had Elvis with us..and decided to go to Silver Harbour to check it out. It was great!! The waves were huge and the water was crashing against the rocks...we walked around and checked out the spectacular views....

Elvis..when close enough...would chase the waves and try to eat them!!! He also swam for the first time in his little dog life...and didn't know how, at first. But when he started...and when he wasn't trying to eat the waves...he was awesome!! He swam in circles.

There were two guys who launched their sea-doos from! The waves were huge and they were flying! Looked awesome!

It was quite the day out.

Kept waiting for those thunderstorms that never did happen. Did see some lightning as I fell asleep...

Sunday was quite quiet, which is what is needed sometimes. I went out with my son Matt to pick up some stuff for his birthday...and we also cruised around to see what was going on in the city...then it started to rain! For the ladies...I have to share this...we were travelling near Boulevard Lake...we rounded a corner and there they were...two the rain. You know when it's just the right moment. That was it.

Have a great day!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

What a fabulous weekend!!

We went to Whitefish to a friends camp and had an absolute blast. We fished...until it rained...then we headed back in to enjoy supper. There is a group of people who put on a pot luck on Saturday night's...we really enjoyed our time there.

Sunday...Matthew turned 13 at twelve noon...and of course it was Father's Day. The boys went fishing with Joseph's dad for the, of course I took the opportunity to lay low and relax!!

We put dinner together for the men when they got home..ribs, chicken kabobs...corn on the cob...and Birthday/Father's Day cake! The little ones...Garrett 2 and Brandon 3 have discovered they love to eat the icing on the bottom of the as I was cutting the cake...this candle would slowly appear and be directed towards the icing...accompanied by a giggle and little feet running back to the table. Those kids!! lol.

I also was presented with one of the first strawberries from our teeny strawberry patch in our garden. It was amazing! We also have some raspberries on the go...not ready for eating yet though.

Great weekend.

Hope yours was as great!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hello all!

I was on remote at Value Village Saturday. It is truly amazing the gems you can find there. They say there are regulars who come looking for one of a kind treasures and rare finds. While I was there, I noticed a large, red box on the counter near where we were set up. The lid was on it. I was busy so I didn't have time to go and satisfy my curiosity about what may have been inside!

About a half hour before we were finished, I saw someone had taken the lid off...I had a wee bit of free time til I was on I went over to the counter. Wow! It was a box of puppets...a lion, a giraffe and four more...along with a little stage set complete with curtains! It was an amazing little theatre! I had to buy it!! I had my daughter's two little men...Brandon, 3 and Garrett, 2 in mind as I purchased this wonderful treasure!! They LOVED it! They were so excited to use their theatre and we enjoyed many plays put on by the "Little Man Theatre Company"!

But I was really surprised that my 12 year old son and his friend put on a play...and recorded it. See...something so simple can entertain so many.


On this date back in 1956, Paul McCartney and John Lennon met....and the rest, as they say, is history.......

After Paul's song, "Penny Lane" became a Beatles hit, the street signs for the actual Penny Lane in Liverpool disappeared with such regularity (as they did on the real Abbey Road), that the town reverted to simply painting 'Penny Lane' on the buildings, rather than have street signs.

Contrary to popular belief, the title for "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" was prompted by 4-year-old Julian Lennon's description of a painting he brought home from school, not the drug, LSD.

* Paul McCartney wrote "Hey Jude" for Julian Lennon, John's son.

* Though the Beatles were still largely unknown in the U.S. in October 1963, Ed Sullivan got his first glimpse of Beatlemania on Halloween of that year. His plane at Heathrow Airport outside London was delayed due to hordes of screaming Beatles fans welcoming the boys back from an overseas concert. When he was notified about the cause of the delay, Ed Sullivan said, "Who the heck are the Beatles?" That experience prompted him to book them on his show in 1964. (The Beatles, for their part, had not previously heard of Ed Sullivan).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Too busy to blog? Gaah!!

It has been crazy busy around here. With summer closing's not going to change, so we must make the time to blog!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!


The world comes together for the next month in South Africa – it’s the FIFA World Cup 2010.

32 countries particpating in what is truly the ‘biggest sporting event’ ever!!

The highest attendance for a soccer game, was in 1950 at Marcana Stadium in Rio De Jenero, Brazil. The game: Uruguay vs Brazil. 199,584 fans. The stadium has since been renovated….and seat around 82,000 fans!!

The World Cup has been held every 4 years since the first tournament in 1930 (except in ’42 and ’46, because of World War 2)

To date, the final of the World Cup has only been contested by European and South American teams. The two continents have won nine titles apiece. Only two teams from outside these two continents have ever reached the semi-finals of the competition: USA in 1930, and Korea in 2002.

Paolo Rossi was the top scorer at the 1982 World Cup in Spain with six goals, leading Italy to its third title

Over 1 billion people are expected to watch soccer on a daily basis over the next month.

AND…already looking ahead to 2014 – that’s when Brazil hosts the next world cup.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Our "One Way ticket To Fabulous" contest winner and her friends had an amazing time Saturday...and so did I!!!!

My morning started at 8am...the limo picked me up and whisked me away to Kathy Thompson's house where she and her two friends Jacqui and Jenn!!!

And then we were off!! Robert, our limo driver took us to Salon on 10th...the experience was as lush as the name of the salon! They really know how to pamper the ladies!!! We were treated to having our hair, makeup and nails done!!! We all had a wonderful time!

Lunch was amazing at the Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel and Suites in the Portside Restaurant. We talked, laughed and were recognized by other diners! For dessert...cheesecake! It was soooo good!!!

And was off to Intercity Shopping Centre to spend our $100 gift cards!! Which we did!! It was soooo much fun shopping with these ladies!! When the people in the stores heard why we were there, they were almost as excited as we were!

And finally, off to Silver City Thunder Bay Cinema's to see...Sex and the City 2!!! It did not disappoint. We loved it. Of course, we behaved ourselves...Danny had given me the speech before I left Friday to make sure we all kept reserved at the movies. Sigh.

And then our experience came to an end...but we have the pictures and the memories of our "One Way Ticket To Fabulous"!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

American Idol wrapped up last night....our Idol expert Lodi Nacirema has put together her thoughts on how it all went down....

Well, well, well... Lee DeWyze is DeWinner!! I can't say that I am totally
surprised. I even think Crystal thought Lee would win as well. She looked
too calm standing beside him. Can I say that I am happy with the result?
Well, let's just say I'm content. To me, they are both great artists and
have futures in music. Lee is probably more commercial and contemporary,
whereas Crystal is an "old soul" (even though they are the same age). I had
actually forgotten that they both auditioned in Chicago. I liked that one
shot of them sitting almost side by side at the auditions (with one person
between them), not knowing each other. That is kind of eery!

Anyway, about the 2 hour finale. For a while there, I almost forgot that it
was about Lee and Crystal! What a Simon Love Fest!! Although I must say it
was well-deserved. After all, he made that show what it is and I I'm
seriously wondering what will happen next year. It was great to see Paula,
although she is still kind of "out there". Some things never change. The
best part of Simon's farewell I thought was when all the Idol winners (minus
David Cook) came out on stage, followed by their fellow contestants.
Although I didn't see Clay or Adam. That was very cool to see. Now that
would make a great concert tour... The Top 10 American Idol winners.. maybe
even a special. Now there is something to think about after next year of

The rest of the entertainment was good. There were a lot of older acts that
were paired up with the current Top 12. Some of those songs certainly
brought back memories! Overall, it was a decent show. When compared to last
year though I think it fell short. But maybe it was because of the "Farwell
to Simon" part of it.

Sadly, another year is over. We have our new Idol and he will do well. But,
don't count out "MommaSocks". I'm sure that we will be hearing both of them
on the radio soon. It's just too bad they didn't debut a new original song
to promote. I am still confused about that. But let's not go down that road.
It is getting late and I must stop my babbling. I also wish they had of sang
their duet from a few weeks ago. That was awesome!! I sure hope they sing it
on the tour!

Speaking of the tour, that is the next Idol thing on my agenda. The Top 10
Idol Tour 2010 - August 29th - Minneapolis. I already have my tickets and my
gang of fellow Idol fans to join me. It is always fun and I know this year
will not disappoint. I must say bye for now, but I will keep in touch from
time to time. If you are a true Idol fan, you should attempt to make one of
their concerts, either in Minneapolis or in Winnipeg. They are well worth

Until next time,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ooooh!!! It was performance night - Lee and Crystal going head to head, one coming out victorious! Here's Lodi's rundown....

I knew at the onset that this evening would be great. They have been the two
favourites all season long. In my opinion, they have been neck and neck. It
was like a teeter-totter. One would have a good week and then the next week,
the other seemed to be stronger. Tonight was no different.

Round One: Contestant pick - their favourite song from the season. Lee
started and sang "The Boxer" from Inspiration week. Crystal chose "Bobbie
McGee". According to the judges, they liked Crystal better. I don't know, I
liked both. Crystal's was just more upbeat. I say tie, leaning a little more
toward Crystal.

Round Two: Executive Producer's (Simon Fuller) choice. Lee sang "Everybody
Hurts". He came across as a little nervous to me. But I agree with Simon
C... a good choice for him. Crystal was asked to sing "Black Velvet". I was
a little scared for her during her walk down the stairs in those heels. It
took my mind off her singing for a moment that's for sure. Anyway, the
singing to me was okay, but in spots was more like yelling. She has sang
better. I personally would give this round to Lee.

Round Three: Song to be released as single. Lee's song was "Beautiful Day".
Now am I crazy or did that song sound like U2? Don't they sing a song like
that? Anyway, maybe I'm just tired. Crystal sang last with a song called "Up
to the Mountain". All I have to say is WOW!! That to me was Crystal at her
best. It wasn't the typical "Idol" song. It was totally different, just
like her. Round Three to Crystal.

So to sum it up, again they are neck and neck. Like any great race should
be. Who will win the night? My vote goes to .... Crystal. As Ellen said, she
is unique. She has stayed true to herself throughout this whole competition.
I think she was the best tonight. Lee was good, but showed his nerves and
didn't soar like Cystal did. But it all comes down to the votes. Illinois Vs
Ohio. They had four hours to vote and I sure hope that these two got the
support that they deserve.

Tune in for the results on Wednesday night. A two hour finale with the Top
12 back to perform. It will be a special night for Simon as well being his
last show. I'm sure there will be some great moments supplied by Ryan and
the gang. You don't want to miss it!!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's down to the wire on American Idol...looks like Lodi has called the outcome again...

It was almost as if I could have written the script myself. Lee is safe
first, followed by Crystal and we say good-bye to Casey. I think he knew it
was coming. He might have had a little glimmer of hope, like all the Idols,
but it can't last forever. I will miss seeing Casey James every week (sigh),
but hey, I will see him again next Wednesday at the finale, just like all of
the Top 10 (maybe even Top 12).

As the showed finished tonight, there is something that they don't show us.
They flip a coin to to see who gets to sing first or second on nest week's show. This is where the real strategy begins. Everyone wants to sing last. It leaves the longest impression (unless you really blow it), but that is rare. I would say that
90% of the people who sing second win the competition.

As for winning, usually there is a stronger contestant, but not this year.
(Although even in those cases, that isn't a guarantee...Adam Vs Kris; David
Vs David) To top it off, both Crystal and Lee are very personable people.
They both can sing and they both have a great story that is just begging for
a happy ending. They both deserve it. It will be really tough. Over the
course of Idol this year, we have never heard who had the most votes. So, we
really don't know who has more of a following and support. One is from
Chicago and the other a small town in Ohio. So, who will get the strong
support of the Southern States this year? All these are good questions. We
will have to wait and see how they sing next Tuesday. They will sing their
"Idol" song, usually a previous song that was strong for them and a new one
that no one has heard. Three songs... three chances to win votes. I can't
wait. I wish I could vote. I say that every year. Some year I will do a road
trip to Grand Marais to cast my votes, although a lot can be said for
relaxing in my own living room and enjoying the show.

Anyway, rest up and wait for Tuesday. I am truly looking forward to it. It
should be a fantastic show.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lodi Nacirema is back sharing last night's American Idol excitement with us!!

There is nothing I like more than a close competition. Blow-outs are boring.
Although a lot can be said for upsets as well. Last night show might lead
to any of the above. The top 3 sang two songs last night - one of their
choice and one chosen by the judges.

Casey started first. I think he did really well. His voice is actually very
good. Sure, he is nice to look at, but you really have to admit that he can
sing. I think that his looks are his downfall. People don't give him credit
for his talent. Will his two performances be enough to send him through to
the finale? I'm not sure. The judges choice of "Daughters" by John Mayer I
thought was really good. He suited that song and as Kara said, he was
singing to the women. But if the women vote, who knows what will happen!

Next was Crystal. I have to admit, she is my favourite and has been since
the start. She is so different from all the other women contestants that
they have had. She has a lot of talent and I really hope she makes it
through. She sang a Melissa Etheridge song first and Ellen chose a Paul
McCartney song for the second. It was an all right choice for her and she
hit notes that even surprised her! She has been strong this whole

Finally was Lee. Wow. He was sure in fine voice last night. He has also been
a front runner this year and deservingly so. But he sure picked a great
night to outshine all the others. His choice was a Skinner song which was
good. Not as well known as other ones he could have picked, but I dont'
think it mattered. But the judges choice by Simon was incredible.
"Halleluliah" by Leonard Cohen was the song and it brought the house down.
He is for sure in the finale with that performance.

So, the final two by performances alone should be Crystal and Lee. Casey did
well, but he has been in the bottom 3 in the past. Last week's results with
Crystal being with Michael in the bottom I still feel was a set up by Ryan.
I doubt if she was really in the bottom two. A finale with Crystal and Lee
would be a real show-down. Two great artists fighting to the finish. Casey
and Lee would probably end up being a blow-out which I really don't want to
see. Although I really shouldn't say that. You never know what will happen
in the end. It all depends upon the votes. It was only last year that most
people thought Adam was a shoe-in over Kris and look what happened. As long
as the show is good and they perform well, that's all I can ask for. HOLD
to find out!!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Proud Moments....

You hear about the moments when a mother is about to give birth to a child...the the room...anxiously awaiting the arrival..with the video camera and the camera to capture it all...

Well, if you've been in that can be interesting time...and there comes a time when you don't care who sees what and you just want that baby to come out!

Then when you see him standing there with that camera on you and you're in the middle of a contraction...he's not in any's probably a good thing he's standing out of reach.....

That's why this story is kind of funny to me...and perhaps some other mothers out there....

I met a woman over the weekend who says she has four beautiful children...and that she and hubby decided that 4 was enough...and instead of her being off for at least 6weeks after an was also decided that he would be the one to have a procedure...a vasectomy.

We all know what men think and how they react when the word "vasectomy" is mentioned....yikes!! So...I am wondering how he felt when he was just about to have the procedure done.......with his feet in the stirrups....nurses prepping him and the doctor getting his wife walked in with a camera to capture the moment!!! She had it all set up with the secretary....

Her husband had her removed from the room...but it took some time for the procedure to begin...because the doctor was laughing too hard to...well...go there.....

Water Cooler Conversation…

Spanish researchers claim that people who drink 14 or more glasses of wine each week…catch colds 40% less often than those who don’t drink alcohol at all! Apparentley, the grape skins contain antioxidants which fight common colds!

The magazine "Hello Canada", is out with their ‘most beautiful Canadians list’. Some of them include: Justin Beeber; Michael Buble; Ryan Reynolds; Celine Dion; curler Cheryl Bernard; Glee’s Corey Monteith (he plays Finn).

It was this week back in 1686 – Daniel Fahrenheit was born. He invented the mercury thermometer.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Someone went home on Idol last night...Lodi Nacirema has the details....

Ryan Seacrest should be shot!! How dare he torture me like that! I swear I
was on the edge of my seat the whole second half of the show last night. I
had a hard time enjoying Bon Jovi.. but I did. I kept saying over and over
in my head.... “in no particular order”. That has to be the answer. There is
no way that Crystal could be in the bottom two. Especially after Tuesday’s
performance. I was also thinking that it could be the one of the worst
upsets to date on that show.. and how ironic, when Chris Daughtry is on the
show. Was this going to be a twist of fate? Lucky for me and many others I
am sure, it all worked out. It is sad to see Michael go, but his save in
Week 9 lasted quite a while.

Now for the rest of the show. I was glad to see that Fantasia has come back
down to earth. The last time she performed, it was way out there. She has
talent, she just has to get back on track. Daughtry was outstanding. What a
voice. I still can’t believe he only got to the Top 5. But he is proof that
you don’t actually need to win. Use the exposure you get from this popular
show and run with it. Bon Jovi did not disappoint either. This is one of the
best bands with a great lead singer.

Ryan did not mention what’s up for next week, but usually Top 3 week is
Judge’s choice night. The judges pick a song for each artist to sing and they
also perform another song of their own choice. Don’t forget the highlights
from their trip back home to their home town. It’s usually a pretty
memorable night.

Just one last thing before I leave you for another week. The Top 10 will
also be travelling to Winnipeg on their tour this summer. They will be
there on Tuesday September 7th. Maybe this suits you better than
Minneapolis. Whichever city, it is well worth the drive. Keep it in mind.

Talk to you next week.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another Tuesday..another American Idol!! Lodi Nacerima is here to tell us what happened last night....

I really love music from the movies...even more when I know what movie they
are from. Maybe that is why Simon was so confused tonight. I am surprised
that he didn't research these songs beforehand. I know that they know ahead
of time what each contestant is singing. But, maybe he is above that.

Anyway, I thought it was interesting how Jamie Foxx talked about being a
contestant versus an artist. In my opinion, that divides the group of four
in half for sure. Michael and Casey are contestants while Lee and Crystal
are artists. What a difference for sure! Except to me, Lee fell a bit short
tonight. He is still good, don't get me wrong, but as Randy says... it was
just "okay". On the other hand, Crystal was back with a vengence. She is
"All right" for sure. And boy or boy, I love that microphone stand. Very

Michael was fine, doing a Michael Jackson song from the movie Free Willy. To
me, I agree with the judges, it wasn't his best. No goosebumps. Casey was
good I thought. His choice of song was funny, especially considering the
"history" between him and Kara. He put a spin on Mrs. Robinson and was back
to strumming his guitar. He seemed much more relaxed. The camera sure eats
him up!

The duets were the best though. I'm not sure of the song that Lee and
Crystal sang, but it sure sounded great. What a pair. I am expecting them to
sing that one again on finale night. Casey and Mike's Bryan Adams' song was
outstanding. More great guitar playing and cool vocals from the boys. I love
that song. It doesn't hurt that it is from a Johnny Depp movie and it was
very fitting coming from these two guys.

So who will go? This is tough. Crystal for sure is safe. Lee will be safe
too, he's too good to go home now. So that leaves Casey and Big Mike. They
have both been in the bottom 2 and Mike almost went home in Week 9. Even
last week, when I thought Casey would go, Mike was in the bottom with Aaron.
So based on history and the performances from tonight , I am thinking it
will be Big Mike.

Waiting to find out is agony for me. To get me through a Wednesday work day,
I think of who will be on the elmination show. They sure have been good so
far this year. This one is no exception...Daughtry, Fantasia and Bon Jovi!!
Wow! It just keeps getting better and better. You don't want to miss that
for sure!

More talk tomorrow,


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wow! Getting down to the wire on Idol! Here's Lodi Nacirema with her thoughts on last night's show.....

Well you can't win them all! I knew my record couldn't continue forever. I
was surprised by the outcome of tonight's show, but probably not as
surprised as Casey. When Ryan separated Crystal and Casey in one group and
Michael and Aaron in another with Lee being safe, I felt for sure that it
would be Crystal and Casey in the bottom two. Not because of Crystal, but
just because Casey didn't sing that well Tuesday night. Micahel and Aaron were
really good. As soon as I found out that it was Big Mike and Aaron, I knew
it had to be Aaron. Out of the two, Mike sang better, plus Aaron sang first.
Remember? The kiss of death!! Even if there are only 5 singers. Going first
is not fun. You have to be outstanding for the voters to remember you. I
felt bad for Aaron. I'm sure that he wasn't expecting it.

As for the entertainment, Harry Connick Jr. was very good. He is talented
for sure. The group numbers were good. I still wonder a bit about lip
syncing, but not as much. I'm still suspicious though. Lady Gaga did not
disappoint. What a show. She would be awesome to see live. Guess what, what
a coincidence. She is playing in Minneapolis the same week that the Top 10
Idols are in Minneapolis. Idols on Sunday and Lady Gaga on Wednesday (last
week in August). Save those holidays and go catch some great concerts!

Okay, let's move on to next week. Songs of the Cinema with Jamie Foxx as
mentor. The Top 4 will perform songs from the movies. A broad category. I'm
sure they will "be true to themselves" and pick something that suits their
style. They do have to make those judges happy! Never mind the judges, make
their fans happy and get those votes. They mean more now than ever. We are
getting closer. It's so exciting!!

Talk to you next week.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hello all!! Sorry this is late!! That's what happens when you have to hang out with police at the Landfill and then off to McDonald's for McHappy Day!!!

Here's Lodi Nacirema with her thoughts on last night's Idol.....

Last night the Idols sang Frank Sinatra. Harry Connick Jr. was their mentor and he actually went one step beyond and did the musical arrangements for the contestants. He is one very talented guy!

Anyway, the song choices were pretty good and I thought they all sang well, except for Casey. He really was out of his element. I was a little surprised by that, but he tried at least to look the part. Hair slicked back and a nice outfit. But unfortunately, looks aren’t everything!

It seems to me that now that Siobhan is gone, they have to bug someone and who else but the lone girl! Give Crystal a break. I thought she was great! They told her to be true to herself and don’t change who she is. Come on people, she changed her style to suit the music genre. I saw that, couldn’t they? And by the way… she looked fantastic.

Okay, so lets get down to it. The best of the night I think was Lee. So from top down, my choices would be Lee, Michael, Crystal, Aaron and then Casey. With only 5 left, it is pretty cut and dry. You have to be strong every week from now on. One bad week and you are gone. So too bad Casey James. I guess I will be seeing you on tour in August!

Tune in on Wednesday to find out if I’m right. Lady Gaga sings, so you don’t want to miss that!


Monday, May 3, 2010

The good news...the fire ban has been lifted! The bad's not great weather for a bonfire in the back yard...but that's ok!! 'Cause we're above zero! So, while temps aren't scorching they aren't awful!

The kids can play outside, we can go for walks and baseball season, well, practices in the city have started. So, really, pretty decent.

I worked the Folklore Festival Saturday and wow, a lot of people streamed through the doors to check out the entertainment, kids section vendors, food and drink! Right now, it looks as though they may have set a record with about 12,000 people checking out this years festival.


Yesterday, marked the 43rd anniversary of the Toronto Maple Leafs last winning the Stanley Cup. 43 years ago to the day, that the Leafs last hoisted the greatest trophy in hockey.

Kate Gosselin’s ex – Jon Gosselin….you gotta feel sorry for this guy. He’s making money anyway he can…including selling his autograph for $10 a pop.

Researchers say their 99% sure they’ve found the remains of NOAH’s ARK on Turkey’s "Mount Ararat". They say they know the wood they found was over 4,000 years old

John Lennon’s hand-written lyrics to one of The Beatle’s most celebrated songs, "A Day In The Life", will go on the auction block at Sotheby’s in New York in June. The sheet of paper is priced at between $500,000 and $700,000. It’s likely to get more than the record $1 million that was paid for the lyrics to "All You Need Is Love", 5 years ago.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Thursday! It's the day after another elimination on Idol...and looks like Lodi Nacirema is happy with last night's results!.......

What a great wrap up for country week! And no offense, but thank goodness
it was Siobhan to go and not Casey. In my opinion, he didn't deserve to be
in the bottom three at all, although he has been there a lot lately. Some
contestants just don't have the supporters... no matter how good they sing
or look!

There was lots of entertainment this week for results night. Rascal Flatts
sang twice - once with Shakira. The song was good I thought, but it might
have been better on her own. Lady Antebellum was good, no surprise. The
third group had a connection with Carrie Underwood who introduced them.
Let's just say they were interesting. I think they were also on her special
around Christmas time.

Well, after tonight's elimination, we are down to the Top 5... 4 guys and 1
girl. If I recall correctly, this was the case the year that Jordin Sparks
won. So don't count out Crystal. Of all the girls, I knew that she would be
the last girl standing. Maybe, she will be The Last One Standing? We have 4
weeks to go to find out.

Next week are the songs of Frank Sinatra with Harry Conick Jr as mentor. I
usually enjoy these types of songs (the Standards), especially when they
dress the part. But really, what type of week don't I enjoy?

One last thought... the Idol tour tickets will be on sale starting May 14th.
The Top 10 will be in Minneapolis on Sunday August 29th at the Target
Centre. Think about checking out the concert, maybe adding it to a summer
trip to the States. They are always great concerts. But seats do sell fast,
so don't delay! I will definitely be there!!

Talk to you next week,


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lodi Nacirema has the rundown on last night's Idol.....

Country week with songs of Shania Twain. I was looking forward to this all
week and the night sure didn't disappoint. She was a great mentor to the
contestants and worked her magic. The standouts for me were Michael, Aaron
and Casey. They really took her suggestions and went with them. The judges
all raved, with the exception of Simon's comment to Big Mike. I still don't
really understand what he meant by his performance being "wet". But, I am
not alone I'm sure.

I didn't quite agree with the judges when it came down to Lee and Siobhan.
Usually, I really like Lee but the start of his song was just weird. It
sounded off. The middle was good and the end okay, but the four judges just
loved it! The only one that kind of mentioned it was off at the start was
Randy. The others thought it was great! Oh well, maybe my ears are plugged.
Whatever. As for Siobhan, her rendition of "Any Man of Mine" was okay. She
changed it a bit and maybe that's whay I wasn't crazy about it. Maybe, I'm
just not that crazy about her. I just wish that she would stop with the big
notes. That is her calling card I guess. Maybe she needs it to impress
people. I just didn't think it fit.

Now down to Crystal. I am nervous. I love the song she sang. It is one of my
favourite Shania songs and I think it fit her style. But, if you listen to
the judges, it was the worst! She was one of the only singers that actually
sang it country on country week! With only 6 singers left and no saves, boy
the people better her back her up and give her the votes. Remember I talked
about an upset last week? Believe you me, I wasn't thinking about Crystal.
If it is, it would be as bad as Chris Daughtry or Constantine. I would be
depressed for sure.

In my opinion, Ellen was right. It is going to be very tough to pick who is
going home. I think they all sang great (or good at least). It may all boil
down to popularity this week and who actually votes and supports their
favourites. Out of the 6, only three have ever been in the bottom 3. Aaaron,
Michael and Casey. The other three have always been safe. But to me, these
three probably sang the best out of all of them. So, let's do a switch. I
will put Lee, Siobhan and Crystal in the bottom with..... Siobhan going
home. (I'm crossing my fingers and my toes!!) Phew! I don't think I will
sleep a wink tonight and I truly hope that I am wrong about the bottom three
or at least two of them. To me, I would prefer Siobhan to go home out of
all of them.

Wednesday night is result night with Rascal Flatts and Lady Antebellum
performing. Oh yeah, Shakira too... on country night? What... no Shania!
What's that all about! I was hoping to hear her sing. Oh well, maybe they
will surprise us. Talk to you tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

So, last night city council voted down the online and telephone voting system. I think it would be a great idea, I think more people would vote if they could do so from the comfort of their homes. But, at this point, there may not be enough time to get the system in place. Maybe for the next elections? We'll see.


We know you could not get through the day without this tidbit of info....A study out of the Univeristy of Maryland….reveals:...many university / college students are addicted to the Internet, social media and their cell phones - and show signs of withdrawal if kept away from them.

Barack Obama has played golf 32 times since taking office, beating George W Bush's record.

According to research the average woman dates 24 men and spends more than $3,000 before finding Mr. Right. Over 2,100 women were polled. Although men traditionally still foot the bill, women pay for hair, clothing, accessories, etc. The study also showed that seven percent of women - have been on between 40 and 60 dates before finally finding someone to share their life with.

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Back from a week of vacation...that partially felt like an actual vacation!!! Sleeping in, relaxing, shopping, was sooooo much fun!!

I was happy to come back to work though! Helps when you love your job! What I really want to do is to be able to take the time to just sit...and watch a movie. I know, it sounds odd, but I have not watched much over the past few weeks and would really like to zone out for a bit!! Holiday de-briefing? lol!


A new report out, says that health care costs are up in Canada because of Mom’s too “posh to push”….. some women opt for C-sections that don’t necessarily need one because they don’t want to do the work that goes with labour…. And in the end it costs a lot more for them to recover from a Caesarian.

According to Forbes magazine, David Beckham is still the highest paid soccer player in the world – even though he can’t play. You gotta love those guaranteed contracts., reports his estimated worth around $175 million

India has 545 million operational cellphones, a number that’s expected to reach 1 billion by 2015. That exceeds the number of people who have access to toilet or sanitation facilities in the country – about 366 million.

It was this weekend in 1981, IBM introduced the very first personal computer

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What happened on Idol last night? Lodi Nacirema knows, looks like she knew what was going to happen, before it happened!!

Well, I hate to "toot" my own horn, but can I pick them or what? I was a
little nervous though at the end. I was praying that Casey would be safe and
Tim would go. No offense to Tim, but I think Casey has more to offer
(musically of course!)

For me the show was all right. Past years have been better. It seems as though
there wasn't as much entertainment as other years. They tried a bit more
comedy and in my opinion, the show should stick with music. I liked George
Lopez though, he was funny.

Carrie Underwood returned with a great song. Alicia Keys performed and was
good, but not great. I have seen her sing better. Elton John was great, as
well as Annie Lennox. They are always great in my books. I wish that Black
Eyed Peas would have sang a more well known song. Even my 11-year-old wasn't
crazy about it.

All in all, the important message of poverty and sickness in Africa, as well
as in the USA was passed along loud and clear by many celebs, as well as the
judges and past Idol winners and contestants. Hopefully, the show will achieve
what it set out to do. I liked the idea of telling people about what a
donation of $10 would buy. Even in today's poor economy, most people can
afford that. Donations of $10 over and over will add up for sure.

At the end of the two hour ++ show (Ryan did warn us on Tuesday that it would
go over), I think I heard that next week's mentor would be Shania Twain. I
would assume then that it is country week. She was a great guest judge this
summer for auditions, so I expect nothing less as a mentor. I am looking
forward to that immensely.

We are now down to the Top 6. Things will only get more interesting as time
goes on. Is there an upset brewing in Country week? We haven't had one yet
this year. Tune in to Idol on Tuesday to find out.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lodi Nacirema fills us in on how she thought things went on Idol last night...

This week's show was all about inspirational songs leading into the two hour
show on Wednesday called "Idol Gives Back". They have done this for the past
few years and it is always an awesome show with a lot of money raised going to
charity. Alicia Keys was Tuesday night's mentor and passed on some good points
to the contestants.

Inspirational songs is a broad category. What is inspirational to one may not
be the same to another, especially Simon. He made fun of Michael's choice of
Hero, stating that he shouldn't have picked a song about Spiderman. Come one
Simon think deeper than that! Also, he gave Casey a hard time for his song
choice right at the top of the show. Just because it isn't a gospel song,
doesn't mean that the meaning of a song isn't inspirational. Casey chose
Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop". It was upbeat and I enjoyed it. Although, most
of the judges thought it was just okay.

The same heavy hitters shone brightly again. Lee and Crystal were awesome. I
even thought that Siobhan was pretty good this week. She tackled a song that
both Whitney and Mariah sang. I'm not a big fan of hers, but those judges
always give her a hard time... asking her to figure out who she is. Give her a
break! She knows who she is, she is one out of 7 singers left who is trying to
win American Idol. She sings the songs that fit the category that week and
does her best. Stop trying to brand her into a category.. pop, country, R&B,
and so on. If you want her to choose, don't have all the different categories
for goodness sake. As for her outfit... very cool. She looked like a garden
with vines, flowers and butterflies all over (or leaves if you are in Simon's

Okay, enough of my ranting. The bottom three for this week will probably be
Casey, Tim and Aaron. Tim because he just didn't sing that well, Casey because
he sang first and he sounded the same as usual and Aaron just because the
others were stronger. Out of those three, I would choose Tim to go home.

Don't forget to tune in for the big "Idol Gives Back" show. A two hour event
starting at 8 p.m. They promise a lot of great performances. I heard Elton
John, Black Eyed Peas and of course, Alicia Keys to name a few. There will be
one singer going home for sure. No saves left. It would have been nice to save
someone at this "charity" event, but oh well!

Read more on tomorrow's blog.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Two people went home last night! Here's what Lodi Nacerima thought about the "chosen" ones...and of course...Adam Lambert......

Wednesday night, result night, double elimination. Adam Lambert. What could be
more exciting? How about getting it right! Andrew went first. Quite quickly I
might add. I kind of felt bad for him. Sometimes Ryan surprises me. Anyway,
poor Katie had to wait until the end of the show. She stood on the stage with
Michael and Tim. I knew it had to be her. The other two were too good last
night to leave.

Anyway, as far as performances go, Brooke White (Season 7 - David Cook
winner)and Justin Gaston performed first, singing an Elvis song. Very nice.
But let's get to Adam. Finally toward the end of the show it was his turn. He
did not disappoint. What a voice and laser show to go with it! Very cool. Good

Overall a good show. Although, I still think they could cut it back to a half
an hour result show. An opening group number, a guest performance and right to
the bad news. Short and sweet I say.

Next week is Idol Gives Back with the song theme being Insirational Songs with
mentor Alicia Keys. This show is usually great with the Wednesday show being
full of great performances to raise money for Africa. Be sure to tune in.

I just have one thought to leave with you until next week. It has been bugging
me for a few weeks now. Do you think they lip sync the opening group number?
This is the first year I have thought that they might. It sounds too perfect.
If it is, it's a shame. I hope not. They are talented singers and that would
really surprise me because the live concerts are awesome!

Have a good week. Talk to you again on Wednesday morning.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Loci Nacirema was watching Idol last night (as if we needed to be told this!)and gives us a rundown on her view of how the night went.....

Finally, it is Tuesday night. It always seems to take so long to come. This
week maybe it was because I was waiting to see how Adam Lambert would do as a
mentor and what type of music they would sing. It also seemed like forever
because no one went home last week. So was it worth using the save on Michael?
We will see.

This week, the Idol hopefuls had to sing Elvis songs. They flew to Las Vegas,
saw the Cirque du Soleil show and met Adam in Vegas. What do Elvis and Adam
have in common? ENTERTAINMENT. They are performers, not just singers. I think
Adam was trying to tell the contestants to do that, but alas, I don't think
they did for the most part. Most of them still just stood on stage and sang.
Not much movement and overall, just okay. It would be cool to see Adam do an
Elvis song. Wow! I could just imagine. Anyway, back to the contestants.....

The shining stars to me were Crystal, Tim and Michael. Andrew tried to change
things up a bit with Hound Dog, but he changed it too much. It wasn't very
good. Siobhan screamed again. Katie tried too hard I think. She reminded me of
a little girl dressing up, trying to look like something she is not. As for
Aaron, he took the judges advice from last week and tried something more
upbeat. It was okay and he should be safe. Lee and Casey did their same thing,
played their guitars and sounded similar. They were good, but nothing

So, who do I put in the bottom and going home? Andrew for sure. Personally, I
would put Katie and Siobhan in the other two seats with probably Siobhan
being safe and Katie going home. She has been in the bottom three before. The
other six are either too well liked or just did better this week and will be

Will I be right? Tune in on Wednesday at 9 p.m. to find out for yourself.(P.S.
Adam will be singing - bonus!)


Monday, April 12, 2010

What a weekend! There are times I am not kidding when I say I come to work to wind down..not that this job is easy...but I get to sit for a few minutes!!!

Work Friday night, more work Saturday morning, bridal shower, working a bingo Saturday night...then more running Sunday...makes it a weekend of not much rest. Fortunately not every weekend is that crazy busy.

We are really enjoying the strange weather. Just because the bad stuff doesn't last long. The snow Saturday morning was in the forecast, but to see those big fat flakes coming down! We were happy to see it melt as fast as it came.

Enjoy your Monday!!!


Did you know that more redheads are born in Scotland than in any other country. 11% of its population has red hair!!

AND…speaking of redheads – the odds are greater, that you’ll have a clean house if you are a red-headed female who works in retail.

A German meatseller, who became so angry because he wasn’t paid for his meat, decided to solve the problem by taking the meat off diners' plates, at one of the restaurants he supplies. According to police, the argument started in the kitchen when he was told that the restaurant didn't immediately have the $535 to pay his bill.

So…what did he do? He then proceeded to take back his meat, including the pieces that had been cooked and served. Police say no arrests were made because no offense was committed

Friday, April 9, 2010

I got my house back!!! After our fire...3 weeks ago...things are back to normal..and even a bit better. We did have the contractor make our front stairs a little bigger and the siding has gone on nicely...can't tell old from new.

So now...just need to find some things to make the front look even better...plants..maybe some stones for the to the Home and Garden show at the Sportsdome and CLE this weekend!


Environment Canada reports that Canadians getting rid of batteries is starting to pose a serious health threat…..this year it’s estimated Canadians will throw out… 500million batteries.

A very weird story marking an anniversary today – 14 years ago, a man in South Carolina committed suicide… his heart was donated to a man who needed one…. That man contacted the dead man’s widow to thank her and they eventually fell in love and got married….then, it was 2 years ago today - …. that man ….killed himself

Victoria Beckham is the latest star to take up…. Yogalosophy….. that’s the combined study of yoga and astrology…. She was apparently introduced to it by …. Jennifer Aniston

Thursday, April 8, 2010

American Idol Expert Lodi Nacirema joins us with her thought on the latest season of Idol...

I don’t know about the rest of you, but my favourite part of watching Idol
is from the Top 10 down to #1. Sure, the auditions are hilarious, but the
show is about finding talent and this is where the best show it. This week
was no exception.

Lennon/McCartney week did not dissapoint. It was just too bad that Paul
couldn’t have been there to mentor them. Come on Simon… didn’t you have
any pull? Anyway, I found it very hard to pick out who should go. To me,
that’s always a sign of a good show.

For the past few weeks, the bottom three always included Katie and Tim. Much
to my chagrin, they were never voted off. But this week, I hoped they would
be safe. They were both great and really showed why they made it so far.
After seeing the show, if I had to pick a bottom three, I was thinking maybe
Aaron and Andrew and possibly Siobhan. Aaron because he sang first out of 9
(kiss of death!) and was a little boring, Andrew because the remarks from
the judges weren’t that great and Siobhan because her song was “sleepy” as

So, Wednesday comes along and as usual, we have to wait through an hour show
to find out who goes home. Rhianna and Jason Derulo performed, as well as
David Archuleta (Archie) from Season 7. After all is said and done, all the
girls are safe , even though Ryan tries to psyche them out. The guys are
split into two groups and I see that two of my bottom three choices are in
one group with Big Mike. So, I was feeling pretty confident with myself.
Then, Ryan sends Aaron back to safety. So, that leaves Andrew. Surprise,
surprise!! Mike is left to sing for his life and hope that they will save

This “Save” was started last year and gives some control back to the judges.
In my opinion, it was the Chris Daughtry fiasco of Season 5 that prompted
this. But, is Mike in the same ranks as Chris D? After all, it is still the
Top 9, with a few weeks left to use it. (Up to the Top 5). Once it is used,
it is gone.

In the end, Mike is saved. To be truthful, I was surprised they used it so
early. Don’t get me wrong, I like Mike. I just hope they don’t regret it.
Because of Mike’s save, TWO idol hopefuls go home next week.

Speaking of next week, OMG!! Adam Lambert will be the mentor!! What type of
music will it be? Ryan didn’t say. I’m just excited to see him again and he
will probably perform on Wednesday. So, tune in next week...what more can
you ask for.... Adam and two idols going home.... very exciting. I can’t
believe that people say that DWTS is better than this. Just watch Idol’s
ratings soar next week.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Water Cooler Conversation Facts....

International Beaver Day!!!

Why is it Beaver Day? This day celebrates the species that restores the most valuable terrestrial ecosystem—wetlands.

You may not know it…but…Beavers…act as our life support system by restoring wetlands that absorb carbon dioxide and help moderate the droughts and major floods that are increasing with global warming.

The average size of a Beaver is around 3 feet. They can weigh anywhere between 30 and 60 pounds.

Beavers live in streams, rivers, marshes, ponds, and shorelines of large lakes throughout North America, parts of Europe, and Asia

Even though we are celebrating the beaver today – they can often be a recipe for conflict with humans. Beavers flood roads, cut down trees, plug road culverts, and can even cause dangerous flash flooding when one of their dams break.

The importance of the Beaver in the development of Canada through the fur trade led to its designation as the our national animal. The Beaver is on our 5 cent piece.

Beaver – and the entertainment world:

…you had "Leave It To Beaver"…the 1950’s / 1960’s comedy about Theodore Beaver Cleaver

…and who can forget…..the TV Ontario childrens classic: Children’s Underground Club of United Moose and Beaver for Enthusiastic Reporters…..or Cucumber for short. The show featured a moose and a beaver reporting from their famous tree house!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Haley Irwin joined us this morning - we had so much fun! I think she may have liked doing our weather, Daily Dish and Water Cooler Conversations with us!

I really loved to hear her talk about her goals at the Olympics and I wish you could have all seen her face glowing as she talked about it. How to her, it was just a goal, until she heard the crowd...and returned to her bench and was attacked by her teammates congratulating her!

The medal was beautiful..and Haley told us that if you put the bronze, silver and gold medals together they will form a picture of the artwork used on them in it's entirety.

We look forward to having her return to the show!!!

Water Cooler Conversation…

If you don’t happen to have Bon Appetite magazine lying around the house – we have some hilights of the latest edition.
…pizza is our favorite take out food, followed closely by Chinese food
…ice cream is our favorite comfort food

Baseball fever is on. Sunday night was the opening of the 2010 Major League Baseball season. In all – 4, 826 games make up the regular season; and, the average baseball players salary is $2 million.

A little nostalgia for you – it was this week back in 1980, the last episode of Hawaii 5-O was broadcast, bringing it to a close following it’s 12 successful seasons.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Water Cooler Conversation….

Did you know that Austria has Europe’s hairiest women? Only 40% of them regularly shave their legs and underarms.

How about this idea? There’s a church in Peterborough, Ontario called The Christian Victory Church, and they want to increase attendance. How are they going to do that? By offering free $20 dollar gas vouchers to any new people who attended service on Sunday…. Six people showed up

In the interest of being more knowledgeable in the world of language, here’s a word you can toss around for the day. We call this the ‘word of the day’. Today’s is: NINNY-HAMMER. Ninny-hammer…a fool or a silly person

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do your kids copy what you say? I've heard my own kids repeat some things I have said...and I didn't like it. Makes you think about what you are saying in front of them. One thing that didn't bother me too much was that I would clear my throat as I would be sitting down to get something done. I noticed my daughters started doing the same thing. So cute.

Kayla, my oldest daughter has two little men...Brandon is 3 and Garrett is 2. Garret picked up something I say to them. I ask them if they want something to drink, they say no, I ask them if they want a cookie, they say no...I ask them if they want a sandwich...they say end it with something my own dad used to say to us when we kept saying no to what he would offer us..."you want a kick in the pants?" I got a text yesterday morning from Kayla...saying "Garrett just asked me if I want a kick in the pants"! The things they pick up!!!


One month to go to file your 2009 taxes. Some stats from the Canada Revenue Agency reports that last year 22 million Canadians filed their taxes. AND…the average refund was $1,500….with around 60% of Canadians getting money back!

The seal hunt gets started this week on Canada’s east coast….where they have a seal population of over 6 million…. About three times what it was 30 years ago. The government is allowing sealers to take over 300,000 seals

Did you know there’s an International Car Association? They have come out and said that we spend $24 billion annualy on car washes – globally.

A man in Utah over the weekend was accused of stealing two phones from a convenience store - he was arrested….after asking the investigating officer for directions. The man matched a description a convenience store clerk had given to officers. The address the robber was asking directions for, turned out to be the same one the officer was checking out. He was arrested after the police found both phones and a small amount of marijuana. Police say charges are pending.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Water Cooler Conversation Facts:

A 6 year old boy from Eastern China had surgery over the weekend, to remove 11 extra fingers and toes he was born with. Each of his feet had 8 toes, and one of his hands had 7 fingers, while the other had 8. The surgery took more than 6 hours…but doctors said they consider the operation a success. (wow, that’s 31 fingers and toes)

Here’s some nostalgia for you: it was this week back in 1886, the Ontario government passed the Workman’s Compensation Act – the first act of its kind in Canada….to help protect workers on the job.

What’s your I.Q? The average IQ is between 90 and 109. If you score above 132, you are considered a genius. The smartest person on record: William James Sedis of New York City, he had an IQ between 250 and 300. He was reading the New York Times at 18 months old; he taught himself Latin and Greek by the age of 3. As an adult, he could speak 40 fluent languages. He was born in the late 1800’s…died in 1944.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today is Awkward Moments Day, a time to celebrate the humor of life's uncomfortable situations:

Toilet overflows in a home not yours.

Credit card declines

Parking on the wrong side of the gas station, then turning the car around to realize you are still on the wrong side.

Losing your bikini bottoms or top while waterskiing

Getting a little too much drinky at the bar and finding out the next day that you were the "pro exhibitionist".

Ever put on a pair of pants from the previous day, later on you realize that yesterdays underwear is hanging out the bottom of a pant leg.

Going to the bathroom with the door open thinking no one is home.

Asking a woman when she is due...when she's not pregnant

This email came in from Brian. It reads exactly as he sent it.....
....dinner guests......5 alarm chili and beer......washroom toilet

Here's what you can do when faced with awkwardness.....

Smile like you don't notice.

Be super friendly and laugh a lot. (But don't overdo it...)

Ask about the family, just remember to not let the subject slip into something more awkward (disease, old relationships, etc.)

Don't get up and leave

Don't be afraid of human contact, shaking hands might be germ-filled, but it won't kill you.

When talking with someone you know, mention the awkward moment. Make a joke about it. (ex: "I think a tumbleweed blew by just now...")

Find something to do with your hands, but be careful not to rely on it.

If someone is a complete psychopath, or boring to the point of inducing mental illness, or (especially) is a cocky jerk, there is nothing wrong with the old, "Um, I have to go over here now."

Sometimes it is a good idea to give said person a generous hug. It can break the ice.
Bauer Hockey is launching a massive recall of around 100,000 kids’ hockey sticks after Health Canada testing raised concerns about lead.There are 13 models of sticks that failed to meet the acceptable standard for lead content in the U.S.
The company is telling parents of children with the sticks to call 1-888-734-0443. Bauer will take the stick back and give a free, elite level stick

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Lips Appreciation Day!
A day to do something nice for your lips!


You burn 26 calories in a one minute kiss.

The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing.

Eskimos, Polynesians and Malaysians rub noses instead of kissing.

Romans kissed each other on the eyes or the mouth as a greeting.

In Russia, the highest sign of recognition was a kiss from the Tsar.

Victorian etiquette required a man to kiss the back of a ladies hand.

A standard greeting in Europe is a kiss on both cheeks - could be two. . . could be four.

African tribes pay homage to their Chief by kissing the ground where he has walked.

In Ireland, you will have good luck if you kiss the Blarney Stone.

The scientific name for kissing is philematology.

Keep those lips soft!

Applying glycerin on the lips with a little honey to it too is quite helpful in healing the cracks of the lips and to make them soft and smooth.

Always go in the sun wearing sunscreen on your lips. Otherwise lips get dry, dark and patchy.

Keep the body hydrate by drinking lots of water. People who do not drink sufficient water are more prone to get dry lips and dry skin. Water or fluids keep the body moist which keeps the skin soft and supple.

Apply lip balm or petroleum jelly on the lips to keep them smooth.

Many people keep wetting their lips with their tongue, which makes the lips dark, and color and lose the moister. Stop wetting lips with tongue rather apply moisturizer.

Aloe Vera Lip Gloss Recipe

Homemade Recipe for lip gloss made with Aloe Vera that will leave your lips soft and moisturized.


1 tsp. Aloe Vera gel
1/2 tsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. petroleum jelly
Directions......Combine the ingredients in a small glass bowl until well mixed. Heat for about 2 minutes in the microwave. Stir and pour into a small container. Let cool completely before use.

Water Cooler Conversation Facts:

A new web site business has been set up called Deathswitch….. for $20 dollars a year, you set up a series of e-mails to friends and family and your other on-line contacts…. Then if you don’t check in with Deathswitch on a regular basis because you have died… they send the e-mails out … let people know you’ve died.

This may make you stop and think, when you get ready to brush your teeth. Did you know that putting the cap back on the toothpaste tube encourages bacteria to grow? It traps moisture, which speeds their growth!

Being at the right place at the right time – over the weekend in Hollywood, a guy put money in a parking meter, preventing the car’s owner from getting a parking ticket. That car, just happened to belong to actress Renee Zellweger. She returned the favor by giving him a $100 gift card to Starbucks.

On average, you open your fridge….22 times a day!