Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today is Awkward Moments Day, a time to celebrate the humor of life's uncomfortable situations:

Toilet overflows in a home not yours.

Credit card declines

Parking on the wrong side of the gas station, then turning the car around to realize you are still on the wrong side.

Losing your bikini bottoms or top while waterskiing

Getting a little too much drinky at the bar and finding out the next day that you were the "pro exhibitionist".

Ever put on a pair of pants from the previous day, later on you realize that yesterdays underwear is hanging out the bottom of a pant leg.

Going to the bathroom with the door open thinking no one is home.

Asking a woman when she is due...when she's not pregnant

This email came in from Brian. It reads exactly as he sent it.....
....dinner guests......5 alarm chili and beer......washroom toilet

Here's what you can do when faced with awkwardness.....

Smile like you don't notice.

Be super friendly and laugh a lot. (But don't overdo it...)

Ask about the family, just remember to not let the subject slip into something more awkward (disease, old relationships, etc.)

Don't get up and leave

Don't be afraid of human contact, shaking hands might be germ-filled, but it won't kill you.

When talking with someone you know, mention the awkward moment. Make a joke about it. (ex: "I think a tumbleweed blew by just now...")

Find something to do with your hands, but be careful not to rely on it.

If someone is a complete psychopath, or boring to the point of inducing mental illness, or (especially) is a cocky jerk, there is nothing wrong with the old, "Um, I have to go over here now."

Sometimes it is a good idea to give said person a generous hug. It can break the ice.

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