Tuesday, March 9, 2010

As I said earlier in the blog, I loved the Oscar presentations this year...turns out it was the most popular presentation as far as ratings go, in five years.

I even managed to catch some of the interviews before the show...out on the red carpet as everyone entered the Kodak Theatre.

I tried to watch Ben Mulrooney as he was interviewing the nominees as well as all of the famous people in attendance....when along came Gabourey Sidibe - she portayed Claireece “Precious” Jones in “Precious” and was nominated for Best Actress. I wanted to hear more details about how tough it was to play her part. If you read what the movie was about..and you can if you copy and paste this wikipedia link address....you’ll see why she was nominated.


I couldn’t imagine even acting out the life Gabourey portrayed. It would have been interesting to hear her take on the story. I wanted to know what it was that helped her become that character and hear her words on the amazing cast she worked with.

Instead, Ben saw that Meryl Streep (I believe that was who it was) was up next and spoke quickly to Gabourey...telling her she was beautiful, yadda yadda yadda...then said “We know you have to move on...” or something to that effect...meaning...a star waaaaay bigger than you is coming up. He rushed her off! I was disappointed and feel Gabourey knew what he was doing too.

It was clear that he was moving her out of the way...for something that was to him, more important...which means to me, that no matter what the story is about...some people just don’t get the jist of it. Everyone is important. I don’t think he did his homework on Gabourey Sidibe. Someone in his position, even if you don’t know all about the person you are talking too, should be able to find a way to converse with them...if they know what they are doing. It was a really weak interview on his part and he was clearly only there to meet the BIG stars. Not get US the information we seek.

That’s what I got out of that interview anyways...then I changed the channel to watch some professionals interview the stars.

PS.....I watched “A Perfect Getaway” last night. Wow! I highly recommend this movie! Am now a huge fan of Timothy Olyphant!

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