Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wow! Getting down to the wire on Idol! Here's Lodi Nacirema with her thoughts on last night's show.....

Well you can't win them all! I knew my record couldn't continue forever. I
was surprised by the outcome of tonight's show, but probably not as
surprised as Casey. When Ryan separated Crystal and Casey in one group and
Michael and Aaron in another with Lee being safe, I felt for sure that it
would be Crystal and Casey in the bottom two. Not because of Crystal, but
just because Casey didn't sing that well Tuesday night. Micahel and Aaron were
really good. As soon as I found out that it was Big Mike and Aaron, I knew
it had to be Aaron. Out of the two, Mike sang better, plus Aaron sang first.
Remember? The kiss of death!! Even if there are only 5 singers. Going first
is not fun. You have to be outstanding for the voters to remember you. I
felt bad for Aaron. I'm sure that he wasn't expecting it.

As for the entertainment, Harry Connick Jr. was very good. He is talented
for sure. The group numbers were good. I still wonder a bit about lip
syncing, but not as much. I'm still suspicious though. Lady Gaga did not
disappoint. What a show. She would be awesome to see live. Guess what, what
a coincidence. She is playing in Minneapolis the same week that the Top 10
Idols are in Minneapolis. Idols on Sunday and Lady Gaga on Wednesday (last
week in August). Save those holidays and go catch some great concerts!

Okay, let's move on to next week. Songs of the Cinema with Jamie Foxx as
mentor. The Top 4 will perform songs from the movies. A broad category. I'm
sure they will "be true to themselves" and pick something that suits their
style. They do have to make those judges happy! Never mind the judges, make
their fans happy and get those votes. They mean more now than ever. We are
getting closer. It's so exciting!!

Talk to you next week.


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