Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If you are given the chance to attend a reunion of any sort, I highly recommend you go! This weekend we held the 90th Anniversary Celebrations for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet "Vindictive" Corps. It was much more than any of us imagined...hoped, but had not imagined.

The turnout was spectacular with people from across the country, Georgia and even Finland. It was so good to see the people we had grown up with. Of course, there were ex-cadets and officers there of all ages and we all joined together to form up the guard and band and march around the deck. We did pretty good considering it had been probably a couple of decades for most of us since we had last participated in a "March past".

Then the drill team formed up...and were given orders to march and do turns and maneuvers they had not done for a very, very long time. It hardly showed...and when it did, it was a good laugh.

We gathered at the Italian Cultural Centre for dinner and a dance. Our MC's Trevor Whitehouse and Bob Newton were both cadets who went on to be officers and they did a fabulous job. We heard stories about things that happened on cadet excursions, stopped for a moment of silence to remember friends who were no longer with us, then told more stories. We laughed, choked back tears and laughed some more. It truly was an event I was so proud to be a part of.

Hopefully we won't wait until the 100th anniversary and hold another one in five years to celebrate the 95th.


Interesting phenomenon going on in a place called Oyster Bay – it’s along the north shore of Long Island, NY. Moms are starting to dress up more…when they are picking up their kids at a particular school in Oyster Bay. Why? Because…they want to make sure they look good – just in case they happen to bump into Brad Pitt – when he’s picking up his kids at the same school.

Believe it or not: ‘swearing’ is not the most offensive thing an office worker can do to his co-worker. #1 on the list at 98% is: eating someone else’s food from the staff fridge. Bad hygiene was 2nd on the list.

Over the weekend, the movie Angels & Demons studied the ‘big bang theory’….and talked about an organization called CERN. Believe it or not – CERN actually exists. It’s the European Organization for Nuclear Research – and is one of the worlds largest and most respected centers for scientific research. It has 2,600 full time employees, as well as almost 8,000 scientists and engineers. Countries who are members of CERN contributed almost $1 billion last year to fund research.

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