Wednesday, May 20, 2009

After checking out pics and video from the weekend's "Vindictive" Sea Cadet Reunion...I gotta say...thank goodness for Facebook!

If it weren't for this creation...I am not sure we would have reached the number of people we drew in for the 90th Celebration. The cadet site was created over a year ago, with a number of us connecting and sharing memories.

And, for those not able to make it to Thunder Bay for the celebrations, it gave them opportunity to view video and pics of our antics.

I was reluctant to join Facebook but am so happy I did.


Researchers at Oxford University have found that fish…may be more intelligent than dogs. The public perception according to theses scientists, is quote: “humans believe that fish are pea-brained numbskulls, that can’t remember things for more than a few seconds”. Studies show that fish can complete complex mental tasks, and that fish can remember their owners and go into a sulk when someone tries to feed them.

Have you heard much more about this? It was this week last year that the Ontario gov’t announced it was planning to aggressively go after the underground construction business – which is estimated to be worth $2 billion a year.

File this under “too weird for us to make up”: a 56 year old, avid Star Trek fan in Hinckley, England has transformed his entire apartment into a replica of starship. He spent 8 years building the life-size copy of the Star Trek Voyager, including the ships command console. He started it as a therapeutic hobby following a divorce.

Lots of people started working the garden over the weekend – and the most common gardening injuries: rakers wrist; bulb planters back; shoveller’s shoulder; and gardeners knee.

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