Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy December!!!

How about that Tiger Woods? Sick of that story yet? Just goes to show ya, no matter how big an icon they are, they will be scrutinized if something goes amiss....anyways...I'm sure there are many different ways to look at the this could he not? With all these women hitting on him, he is a huge star afterall...well, that's not how I would see it but there are those out there that would. Might I add, mostly men.

When I heard the initial story Saturday morning, that Tiger was unconscious after he had hit a fire hydrant, then a neighbours tree...and his wife Elin had to smash a window with a golf club in the SUV to get him out...I wondered...did she run down the driveway with a golf club in her hand after she supposedly heard a crash? Or was she chasing the SUV with the golf club? I am guilty of thinking "he cheated...and she caught him". Looks like I was right. Yikes.

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