Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Christmas Carol was amazing!!! We saw it in 3D - that just added to it.

It's hard to believe that Sesame Street starts it's 40th season today! And to hear that the DVD release of the original shows comes with a warning about it being mainly for adults is a surprise as well. Seems the way we did things back then is just not suitable for today's kids....


Today marks the 40th anniversary of the debut of Sesame Street – and with that…comes….these interesting facts:

Sesame Street is the pioneer in contemporary educational entertainment.

Sesame Street is well known for it’s Muppets characters created by Him Henson. It premiered on November 10th, 1969 – and is the longest running childrens show.

Did you know that up until the late 60’s…the use of televsion as an educational tool was “unproven” and a “revolutionary concept”.

How about the songs from Sesame Street? They really have become ‘timeless classics’. Including the shows theme song; “I Love Trash” written for Oscar The Grouch; “Rubber Duckie” written for Ernie; “Being Green” for Kermit The Frog; “C Is For Cookie” for the Cookie Monster

Sesame Street is seen in over 120 countries. It’s earned 118 Emmies, more than any other tv series.

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