Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

This time tomorrow we'll be on the road for our short jaunt to San Diego! I say short jaunt because I just can't face the reality of a three hour drive, then a one hour flight, then a four hour flight to get there. I am not a fan of flying but will do it to get to vacation location faster!!!

Women, prepare to take a hit over the next week as Danny will likely have easier questions for the men on the Battle of the Sexes. Just be nice to him and keep in mind I will make him pay when I return. lol!!!

I can't sit still any longer to blog more so I am off to serve lunch to Cheadles Law Office!!! Have a great week!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I have no idea how I did it, but I managed to mess up my sign in to this blog. Finally have sorted things out and we are back!!! Woohoo!!!

So..this morning, ....I didn't tell Danny his fly was open...shared it on facebook...and some of our fb friends helped determine whether I should tell him or not...eventually I did. I think there will be some retaliation...I'm not scared though.


Scientists in Australia have developed an apple that won't rot, at least not for a long time. The delicious-sounding ‘RS103-130' apple is a rare cross-breed 20 years in the making by researchers. They claim the shiny red apple will stay fresh, delicious, and crispy for 4 months. The Queensland state government is looking for a commercial supply partner to distribute the fruit and hopes to begin selling it next year. First step…change the name.

Police say a man who was found to have $600 in cash was arrested for stealing a pencil from a store in Bellingham, Washington. The pencil thief was taken to jail after it was discovered that he had an outstanding warrant. When police questioned why the man would steal the mechanical pencil worth about $6 when he had money to buy it he responded, "I don't know, being stupid I guess."

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec have the most gamblers in Canada’

Disease conscious designers in Japan have come up with the must have outfit for fall - a business suit that protects you against swine flu. Haruyama Trading has coated the traditional wool suit with titanium dioxide, which breaks down the H1N1 virus on contact under ultraviolet light like sunshine.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Christmas Carol was amazing!!! We saw it in 3D - that just added to it.

It's hard to believe that Sesame Street starts it's 40th season today! And to hear that the DVD release of the original shows comes with a warning about it being mainly for adults is a surprise as well. Seems the way we did things back then is just not suitable for today's kids....


Today marks the 40th anniversary of the debut of Sesame Street – and with that…comes….these interesting facts:

Sesame Street is the pioneer in contemporary educational entertainment.

Sesame Street is well known for it’s Muppets characters created by Him Henson. It premiered on November 10th, 1969 – and is the longest running childrens show.

Did you know that up until the late 60’s…the use of televsion as an educational tool was “unproven” and a “revolutionary concept”.

How about the songs from Sesame Street? They really have become ‘timeless classics’. Including the shows theme song; “I Love Trash” written for Oscar The Grouch; “Rubber Duckie” written for Ernie; “Being Green” for Kermit The Frog; “C Is For Cookie” for the Cookie Monster

Sesame Street is seen in over 120 countries. It’s earned 118 Emmies, more than any other tv series.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Are we spoiled or what? A beautiful weekend was had by all...weren't we getting snow in October? I think Mother Nature is a little confused lately, perhaps feeling bad for treating us so poorly all last summer...

Tomorrow marks the 40th anniversary of "Sesame Street", for many of us it was a favorite! I loved Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Elmo, and Sam...that guy that would call you over with an "sssssssst, wanna buy an S?" Hilarious! We'll be talking about that tomorrow.

We are going to see "A Christmas Carol" tonight...in 3D!! It's a 2hour 47 minute movie and I cannot wait! I love everything Christmas, so to get into the spirit with a movie like this, well...lookout!! Plus, add popcorn...and I am in my happy place.

Water Cooler Conversations....
Wow…this guy really didn’t feel like going to work! A 29-year-old Edgewater, Colorado video store employee who claimed he’d been attacked and stabbed has now confessed that he stabbed himself because ... he didn't want to go to work. Police became suspicious after hours of interviews…and the man then confessed.

What will scientists think of next? A DNA test that can tell a woman as young as 18 how long she has left to start a family is being developed by scientists. The Daily Mail reports that by monitoring the speed of the biological clock, the test can reveal how many eggs a woman has left -- and give early warning of declining fertility.

The Olympic torch relay is making it’s way across the country and now come complaints that there are more torch relay ceremonies held in Conservative ridings than in the ridings of opposition members

Tomorrow’s the big day …40 years to the day since it started…..Sesame Street will begin it’s 40th season on PBS