Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So we jumped the gun and got upset (in a joking manner) when we realized one of the on air guys..Miggz...has pens with his name on it AND his work email address...basically a calling card...pen.

What? We don't get pens? What the heck!

So...we called Miggz to see where the pens came from....of course his phone was off. IT'S NEVER OFF!! So we left a nasty voicemail message (of course we told him we loved him at the end of it).

We then sent off an email to the boss...about what a jerk he is and why didn't we get pens? What kind of promotion was being run that did not include all of the on air staff? What about Bill Hogan? Dave the mid day guy? Where were our pens? Of was all in jest...for the most part. I wrote it...and signed Danny's name.

We finally found a home number for Miggz....and got him on the line! He had gone to bed late...about the time Danny and I were arriving at work...but too bad!! We had to get to the bottom of this "Pen" issue!!

You our control room..pens go missing. Miggz has spoken about that a kind, sweet mother...bought him about 150 pens with his name and email address on them...and that's where the pens came from. Ooops......

The always....never jump to conclusions. We have a meeting with our boss now...gotta go...
Talk to you tomorrow?